I grew up in Clyde, NC and graduated from a high school whose mascot was a "mountaineer" with three xxx's on the bottle he was carrying

I graduated from Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC - Go Catamounts --- I switched to this college after misbehaving at East Carolina University, those pirates and I didn't mix 

I moved to Knoxville, TN in 2005 for a boy... that came crashing down like a lead zeppelin, man I love Zeppelin, but 2 years later I met my Hubbaroni -
 Is this about me section to honest??? That's me... 

I worked at 2 chain portrait studios for several years, and can pose like a boss

I eat too many chomps snack sticks 

I met my husband on Yahoo profiles and paid 24.99 to message him, he's my right hand man

I can't live without coconut ... I mean its just so useful for so many things

I think the most beautiful view in the world is on top of Max Patch, I mean looking into my children's eyes is epic too

I have been photographing professionally since I was 16 years old, I started out using a Mamiya RB 67 

Ive seen over 300 concerts and embrace the mantra of "Live music is a family value" 

I love kids, and have an insane amount of patience 

Im slightly obsessed with snails, they are so very fascinating and remind me of my childhood 

I'm super proud of my family 

I love cliche foods like coffee, wine, draft beer, tacos, cheese boards, pizza --- I mean who doesn't 

I LOVE EVERYONE --- Did ya hear that ? EVERYONE , you reading this right now I LOVE YOU 

Hubbaroni, Pete and I have been capturing weddings together for 14 years - ain't that grand


Welcome to

This photo was taken in 2012 at a wedding we photographed together at the zoo. Wait, wait, wait - isn't your website supposed to be up to date, and trendy, you wear a hat out in the field and he wears a skinny tie and you get glowy photos at golden hour that you took 2 weeks ago for the launch of a new site. Well that's what you are SUPPOSED to do, but this is BREAK THE MOLD PHOTO afterall. This is one of my favorite photos of us, and thats what photographs are for... reflection. Reflection on the past, reflection of a different time, that is why I do what I do. SO YOU CAN REFLECT! 

Spoiler Alert, we don't look like that anymore

<- That's Pete and Megan

capturing the history of your heart

East Tennessee and Western North Carolina 



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